Zebilla Member of Parliament, Cletus Avoka, attributes the alleged corruption within parliament to the unwarranted demands made by the public and constituents. According to the MP, these demands often extend beyond what is reasonable for parliamentarians to fulfill.
In an interview with Starr FM, Avoka highlighted the challenges faced by lawmakers due to frequent requests for financial assistance, pointing out that it becomes exceedingly difficult for MPs to avoid engaging in activities that may be perceived as corrupt, given the relentless demands from the public.
He expressed concern that many MPs, in response to financial pressures such as requests for medical expense reimbursements, contributions to weddings, and school fees, end up utilizing their positions more for personal business than fulfilling their legislative responsibilities. Avoka stressed that these financial strains contribute to the public perception of corruption and appealed for understanding from the media.
Avoka pointed out the daily financial pressures MPs face, including requests for financial assistance for various personal matters. He explained the challenging situation MPs find themselves in, debating in parliament for extended hours and then having to seek additional income to meet these demands.
He acknowledged the dilemma MPs encounter, stating, “If I’m not corrupt, how can I maintain my seat? You have to be corrupt in one way or another.” Avoka elaborated on the need for MPs to seek additional resources, which often involves engaging in external work, such as contracting or legal services, to sustain their positions.
In essence, Avoka shed light on the complex dynamics MPs navigate, where financial constraints and public demands intersect, leading to challenges in maintaining ethical practices within the parliamentary framework.