The European Union (EU) is launching a €34 million initiative this month to support young job seekers in Ghana. Out of this amount, €25 million will be allocated to the EU-Ghana Pact for Skills, while the remaining €9 million will be dedicated to the EU’s Jobs, Migration, and Development project. The EU Abassador made to Ghana, Irchad Razaaly, made the announcement during the Europe Day celebration in Accra last Tuesday.
The EU-Ghana Pact for Skills is an essential component of the European Skills Agenda. Its objective is to facilitate investment in the upskilling and reskilling of the working-age population, foster stakeholder engagement, and promote cooperation in the field of skills and education. The European Skills Agenda places a high priority on reskilling and upskilling individuals to ensure that everyone can benefit from Europe’s transition towards a greener and more digital future.
The Pact for Skills Charter calls on signatories to promote a lifelong learning culture for all, establish strong skills partnerships, monitor skills supply and demand, anticipate future skills needs, and actively work against discrimination while striving for gender equality and equal opportunities.
The Europe Day event, themed “Celebrating Youth and Skills,” brought together members of the diplomatic corps, state ministers, government officials, traditional leaders, civil society organizations, academics, and the media. Notable attendees included the Ga Mantse, King Nii Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, and Mrs. Samira Bawumia, the wife of the Vice-President. The occasion also featured an official exhibition showcasing projects undertaken by Ghanaian youth with sponsorship from the EU.
Europe Day is observed annually on May 9th to commemorate the peace and unity in Europe. It also marks the anniversary of a proposal made in 1950 by former European Parliament President Robert Schuman, which outlined the formation of an economic partnership between France and Germany. Schuman’s vision aimed to create a united Europe where war would be rendered impossible among European nations.
The EU Ambassador emphasized that supporting and empowering young ones to contribute to the prosperity of nations is a top priority for the EU, both within Europe and through international partnerships. In line with this objective, the EU recently declared the European Year of Skills to assist talented young individuals in achieving their professional ambitions and making valuable contributions to their communities. The Ambassador further stated that a youthful, dynamic, and skilled workforce plays a crucial role in reducing unemployment and driving sustainable and inclusive growth.
Highlighting the progress made in Ghana, the Ambassador revealed the EU has supported over 100,000 young jobseekers in gaining skills and training through various projects
Source: Omanghana.com