1. Put your spinach in a saucepan and cook. Remove after 5 mins when it softens
  2. In another saucepan, put in all your meats and steam with some diced onions on a moderate heat. Add some salt and Maggie to taste
  3. Chop some onions and blend with pepper and ginger to create a spicy mix
  4. Pour the blended pepper mix into the saucepan that has the steam meat. Add fresh tomatoes and onions to the steam to cook . Allow cooking for at least 10 mins
  5. Once this is done, drain cooked spinach and blend with a spoon of peanut
  6. Pour the blended spinach mix into the soup and add at least 6 cups of water into the soup
  7. Remove the cooked onions and tomatoes from the soup and blend it together. Pour the blended mix back into the soup.
  8. Wash the smoked fish and add to the soup
  9. Now, leave it to cook for at least 20 minutes. Add some salt or Maggie to taste because of the initial added water
  10. Afterward, add the prekese to taste and let it cook for 5 mins.
  11. If the taste is perfect, soup is ready to serve.