Torentco deal – TOR Board to address AG’s concerns


Godfred Dame had expressed reservations about endorsing TAML’s credibility as a lessee for TOR, citing a Due Diligence Report (DDR) submitted by the General Transport, Petroleum, and Chemical Workers Union (GTPCWU) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) of Ghana. According to Dame, TAML lacks the financial and technical capacity to execute the proposed transaction and has no established affiliations with entities possessing the necessary funds and technical expertise.


In response, the TOR Board, in a statement released on Sunday, affirmed its awareness of the concerns outlined in the Attorney General’s letter. However, the Board emphasized that these issues are integral parts of the final due diligence process and the completion of conditions precedent to the transaction.


The Board reasserted its commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity, ethics, and governance in carrying out its responsibilities, aligning with the personal values of its members. Furthermore, it highlighted its dedication to fostering a positive work environment at TOR, where staff morale can be uplifted, and employees can take pride in their association with the refinery.


As the due diligence process progresses, the TOR Board remains focused on addressing the raised concerns and ensuring that the transaction aligns with the ethical and governance standards set forth by the refinery.

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