300 Miners Trapped in illegal mining


Around 300 individuals involved in illegal mining have reportedly become trapped in one shaft owned by AngloGold’s Obuasi Mines in Anwiam, in the Ashanti Region. According to reports, these unlawful miners entered the underground shaft searching for gold deposits but could not exit as all escape routes had been sealed off. Ali Tijani, one of the illegal miners who spoke to the media, disclosed that some of his colleagues are unconscious because of a lack of food and water.

Tijani expressed they have contacted their families and hope that authorities can intervene and rescue them from the shaft. He explained, “We went to the AngloGold mine to work, but the site was shut down. We have been trapped inside for four days without access to food or water. They refuse to provide us with water. We are approximately 300 people. We took it upon ourselves to go there. We urge the District Chief Executive (DCE) to assist us. We are without employment, so we resorted to mining to support ourselves and our families.”

As of now, AngloGold Ashanti has not issued an official statement regarding this incident.






Source: Omanghana.com

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