How did we get it so wrong as a people and as a nation… that 67 years after telling the whole world that the Ghanaian, the African, the Black Man is capable of managing his own affairs… we have come full cycle and placed ourselves back into bondage by ourselves because of selfish leaders, who prime interest is to serve as the ‘new colonialists’ over the people… the new ‘BLACK-WHITE MAN’… who is worse than those who forced us into slavery… I guess we should have known better…
We are too distracted as a nation and as a people on issues, which serve as taking our attention from the real pointers to move us forward, united in our joint struggles for advancements in our nation-building and real development… in every facet of my lives… individually and collectively… as a people and as a nation… turning us into a new ‘COLONY OF CRABS’… how could we come full cycle into even worse situations and circumstances than when we were enslaved… worst debt portfolios in all our 67 years post-Independence…
… when your own kind, belonging to the same people and nation, steals from you, thinking we are all daft and they are smart; lying through the teeth and most pious, it should hurt more than when same acts are committed by the whites – the oppressors… how did we get it so WRONG, 67 years after declaring we are ‘capable of managing our own affairs’ …
…when did a philosophy of ‘PROPERTY-OWNING PARTY’… turn into simple thievery of state resources and properties… and yet 67 years after the 6th March, 1957 Declaration, we are back in worse state than ever before… how ironic…?
… we are now more divided now than at Independence 67 years ago as a people and as a nation…
… how could we have gotten it so wrong to even think of such a project, a real criminal enterprise like ‘AGYAPADIE’…
… how could we have gotten it so wrong with bequeathing state resources as family inheritance… finding expression in a private person’s WILL to give to anybody in perpetuity: ‘FOREVER’… no wonder because they have always seen themselves as the ‘NEW WHITE MEN’, the new ‘COLONIALISTS’…
… today, WEDNESDAY, 6TH MARCH, 2024 should be our new real INDEPENDENCE DAY… to begin a new mentality towards real independence… not for liberation from the ‘white’ but the ones that Kwame Nkrumah defined as ‘NEOCOLONIALISTS’…
… We need a whole new beginning, a RESET, a REBIRTH… and this time, we dare not fail or allow ourselves to be HIJACKED ever again…
… by Magnus Naabe RexDanquah, the Ghanaian