Dr. Michael Ntumy Injury Misattributed to Disobedience


Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy, a former chairman of the Church of Pentecost, has responded to claims suggesting he ended up in a wheelchair because he disobeyed a prophecy from God. Contrary to these claims, Apostle Ntumy stated he is in a wheelchair because of a spine injury resulting from an accident in 1992 during a trip to Ivory Coast.

According to his account, the accident caused his wife to suffer broken collarbones while he unknowingly sustained a spine injury. He carried the pain for nine years until he became Chairman of the church when the workload exacerbated the problem to where he couldn’t stand for more than three minutes. When he eventually underwent surgery, the doctor said he had waited too long. Apostle Ntumy agreed to the surgery. Although the operation would cause him to lose the use of his hands and feet temporarily, he would eventually recover.

In a viral video, Apostle Ntumy expressed disappointment that the church was quick to judge instead of praying for him and his family during their challenging times. He mentioned various stories circulating, but the common thread was that people believed God had caused his accident as punishment for not handing over the chairmanship of the church to the individual named in the prophecy.

Whether apostle Ntumy emphasized that he did not refuse to present Prophet Ameyaw’s name, the church eventually proposed Apostle Onyinah, who successfully went through the stages and was elected as the Chairman.

In conclusion, Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy attributed his wheelchair condition to a spine injury resulting from an accident in 1992 and clarified that it had nothing to do with disobeying a prophetic message regarding the chairmanship of the Church of Pentecost.

Dr. Ntumy served as the Chairman of the Church of Pentecost (COP) from 1998 to 2008.





Source: Omanghana.com

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