GES maintains reporting date remains December 4, 2023


The GES is maintaining that the reporting date remains December 4, 2023, as indicated on the Placement form, while Parliament is proposing a rescheduling of the reopening date to the first week of January 2024.

The Parliamentary Service justified its proposal by citing the short notice and the inconvenience it may cause to students, parents, teaching, and non-teaching staff. They believe that the first week of January 2024 would be a more convenient and appropriate time for adequate preparation for academic work.


On the other hand, the GES, in its statement, emphasized that schools are expected to begin the registration and orientation of students from December 4, 2023. The GES also outlined the academic calendar, mentioning a Christmas break from December 21, 2023, to January 3, 2024, with academic activities resuming until March 5, 2024.


The GES expressed appreciation to all stakeholders for their collaboration and support in the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) process. They urged students who have not yet completed their self-placement to do so promptly and called for patience to ensure the smooth implementation of the academic calendar for Senior High Schools (SHS), aiming to return to the pre-COVID academic calendar.

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