There has been a meeting between two spiritual leaders to seek God’s intervention for the country’s and the world’s current challenges.
The two religious leaders, National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu and the Founder of the Israel King of the Jews Church and the Spiritual Leader of the Council of Spiritual Churches, Ghana, Nakoa Prophet Nazareth Ansah Jamson met at the chief imam’s residence at New Fadama in Accra.
The purpose of their meeting was to ensure that the world is a better place for peace and sustainable development. According to the two leaders, the meeting was necessary due to the drama surrounding the government’s debt exchange program, the economy’s challenges, and the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Identifying examples of difficult times in both the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran, the leaders said we can only learn how our forefathers patiently waited on God to deliver them from such troubling times.
Both leaders agreed to encourage their fellow Christians and Muslims to turn to God and avoid any blame game.
Source: Omanghana.com/SP