Al Jazeera has conducted an investigative documentary into Zimbabwe’s gold smuggling and money laundering syndicates, in which they named Ghana as one of the countries where such schemes were executed. Alistair Mathias, described as a financial architect, claimed to have a track record of successfully designing money laundering schemes for corrupt politicians in Africa and said he used to be the biggest smuggler of gold in Ghana, raking in between $40 million and $60 million worth of gold each month.
Mathias outlined his modus operandi to the undercover journalists, suggesting politicians rely on proxies to keep their siphoned resources away. He can take huge contracts on behalf of Ghanaian politicians, inflate the cost, and subsequently split the profit.
Akufo-Addo responded, saying he does not recall acting as Mathias’ lawyer. Mathias has denied ever being awarded any tender by the Ghanaian government or entering government contracts in any African country.
Source: Omanghana.com/SP