Kokonte also known in ghana as “Face the Wall”


Konkonte is a Ghanaian dish made from cassava flour, typically enjoyed with soups made from palm nut or groundnuts. It is popular in West African countries such as Nigeria and is also eaten in the Caribbean.

The English name for this delicacy is “brown fufu.” It closely resembles tapioca, a popular Brazilian dish that is also common in the Volta Region of Ghana.

Konkonte is a simple dish made from dried and pounded cassava, or manioc, root, giving it a brown appearance once prepared. In Ghana, the dish is traditionally made by the Akans, with its local name derived from the Kwa languages.



2 cups Dried cassava flour

200 mls Water

How to prepare

  • Pour two cups of water into a metallic cooking pot
  • Place it on the sauce of heat and boil
  • Whiles boiling, fetch some of the hot water and set it aside.
  • Add 2 and a half cups of cassava flour to the boiling water in bits
  • Stir with the wooden spatula whiles adding to ensure there is no lumps formation.
  • Knead the mixture with the wooden ladle to form a thick and consistent paste.
  • Continue kneading till you get the texture you need with no lumps.
  • When cooked, use a small bowl to scoop and mould into desired sizes.
  • Serve whiles hot with groundnut soup or palm nut soup.



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Omanghana is an online news portal that provides readers around the world with a greater focus on Ghana and other parts of Africa. Established in 2009, Omanghana regularly publishes articles related to News, Sports, and Entertainment.


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