Lands commission edges land owners to register their lands


To prevent double purchases and ensure legal ownership of properties, Mr. Saaka Ahmed Mustapha, the Head of Administration at the Regional Properties Commission in Tamale, has advised the general public to register properties acquired from Chiefs with the Lands Commission.

According to Mr. Mustapha, purchasing land from a Chief alone does not guarantee legal ownership until the land is registered with the Lands Commission. He stressed that the presence of paperwork from the Chief or landowner does not confer legal ownership on the buyer. Mr. Mustapha made these remarks in an interview with the GNA in Tamale.

He pointed out that while Chiefs may act as custodians of the land, it is the Lands Commission that has the authority to officially register it. Mr. Mustapha explained that if someone buys land from a Chief but fails to register it, and the same land is subsequently sold to another person who registers it with the Lands Commission, the first buyer may lose legal ownership in any legal dispute over the land.
To avoid such issues, Mr. Mustapha recommended that the initial purchaser takes the necessary steps to register the land with the Lands Commission, thereby preventing any other individual from doing so and attempting to claim the land.


The Head of Administration at the Wa Regional Lands Commission emphasized the importance of conducting a search with the Lands Commission before purchasing land. This search will reveal whether the land has already been sold and registered in someone else’s name or if it is available for purchase. Mr. Mustapha emphasized that only the Lands Commission can provide this information and appropriate guidance.

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