Aliases used to conceal transactions from undeclared real estate business-0SP


Court records submitted by the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) have revealed that Cecilia Dapaah, the former Sanitation Minister, allegedly used aliases to obscure financial transactions associated with an undisclosed real estate enterprise.
According to the OSP’s investigative findings, it is suggested that while serving as a Minister of State, Dapaah was involved in an undisclosed real estate venture.


To mask the ownership of this business and its related properties, she purportedly employed aliases. The proceeds from these transactions were allegedly channeled into her bank accounts and investments, with the intention of evading detection.
The OSP’s documentation, as reported by, also highlights suspicions of substantial amounts of unexplained cash hidden in Dapaah’s residence, exceeding her official income as a Minister of State. There are allegations that her household staff may have pilfered some of these funds.


Notably, there are no financial records or clear origins of the funds reportedly stolen from Dapaah’s residence or discovered by the OSP. Furthermore, there is no evidence indicating that these sums of money were derived from legitimate business activities, professions, or vocations. There is also no documentation to confirm that these amounts were lawfully declared and subject to statutory payments.
During the search conducted in her presence, Dapaah disavowed any knowledge of the presence of the cash sums in her residence. This conduct raised suspicions among the OSP’s authorized officers, given her status as a public officer, leading them to suspect that the cash sums may be associated with illicit activities.


Subsequently, the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) filed a motion on September 11th at the High Court, seeking confirmation of seizure and freezing orders for Cecilia Dapaah’s financial assets. This legal action is part of the ongoing investigation into the former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources. It is important to note that legal proceedings are underway, and any judgments will be based on the evidence presented and due process.



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