MP Reshapes Deplorable Roads in Jomoro Constituency


The Member of Parliament, Dorcas Affo-Toffey, has undertaken a road improvement project in more than 14 communities within the Jomoro Constituency of the Western Region. The objective of this initiative is to enhance accessibility for commuters along a four-kilometer stretch.

These communities, Asempanaye, New Kabenlasuazo, Nawule, Bonyere, Ezinlibo, Ndumsuazo, and Takinta, primarily rely on agriculture. Unfortunately, their agricultural produce often goes to waste because of the poor condition of their roads.

Besides being vital food providers for the region and nation, these communities cultivate cocoa and other crops. The dire state of the roads makes it particularly challenging for pregnant women and the sick to access medical care.

Despite years of unsuccessful appeals to previous MPs and governments to address the road conditions, the community members were pleasantly surprised by the MP’s efforts. They expressed gratitude for the substantial progress in reshaping the roads during her first term in office. They encouraged their constituents to vote for her.











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