On Tuesday, May 30th, 2023, MTN Ghana will hold its fifth Annual General Meeting (AGM) at its headquarters, MTN House, on Independence Avenue. The meeting will be streamed live starting at 11 am. According to a statement, the AGM will cover several items of business, including the consideration of Audited Financial Statements, reports from Directors and Auditors for the year ending on December 31st, 2022, the declaration of a final dividend for the same year, the approval of Directors’ fees, and the authorization of Directors to determine the remuneration of the Auditor for the financial year 2023.
At the upcoming AGM, shareholders are expected to approve the payment of a final dividend of GHS1,524,018,820.64 for the financial year 2022, which was declared and resolved by the Theat a Board Meeting on February 27th, 2023. Shareholders are requested to approve the dividend recommended by the Directors.
Additionally, the AGM will also discuss the approval by special resolution of the amendment of the Company’s Constitution to align with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Corporate Governance Code 2020 (“SEC Code”), the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) Listing Rules (“GSE Rules”), and any other applicable laws.
Source: Omanghana.com