Team Paltrow offers treats to court security during trial for ski crash


In February 2016, Gwyneth Paltrow was involved in a collision while skiing at a Utah resort, which left Terry Sanderson, a retired eye doctor, concussed. Sanderson sued Paltrow for $300,000 in damages, accusing her of causing the collision. Paltrow denied blame for the incident and countersued.

On the third day of the civil trial in Park City, Paltrow’s attorney, Steve Owens, announced that her private security team wanted to bring in treats for the bailiffs who had been helpful during the trial. However, what exactly was included in the treats needs to be clarified.

Some critics viewed this gesture as an attempt to influence the outcome of the trial in Paltrow’s favor. However, others argued that it was a simple act of gratitude for the bailiffs’ hard work.

The trial ultimately ruled in Paltrow’s favor, finding she was not at fault for the collision. Sanderson appealed the decision, but it was upheld in 2019. The incident drew attention to Paltrow’s Goop brand and its controversial wellness claims. Despite criticism, the brand continues to thrive and expand.








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